Friday, December 14, 2012

Burlington's Best: Sandwiches

Hey there everyone, come check out my first EVER video blog! 

Enjoy and don't be scared to let me know what think. Comments, complaints, praise, grievances... 
share it all. 

Thanks, and come again,

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Going Wilde

The semester is almost over and winter break is right around the corner!

One more day to go people! You’ve got this!!!

But maybe you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Maybe you are hopelessly overwhelmed with your essays and exams. Believe me, I’ve been there.  I just had a physics final.  Physics: the terrible beast from academic hell with its demonic wings and fiery talons.  That horrible creature was beating me down with simple harmonic motion and tearing me apart with rotational dynamics.  So how do you beat the demon?  How do you overcome academic stress?  Just don’t worry about it. 

In the wise words of Oscar Wilde, “ Life is far too important to be taken seriously.” 

Academics are important (that’s why we are here after all), but there is more to college than getting a good GPA. When I was a freshman I was locked into the pre-med path and my grades were at the top of my priorities list….But I was unhappy and missing out on fun times.  Fast forward to my senior year where I am Broke and Ballin’ in Burly and believe in the mystical powers of YOLO.    Four years at UVM goes by too fast, so you need to enjoy every minute of it!  So all that stress you are feeling...forget about it.   In 10 years it’s not going to matter what grade you got on your final exam. So stop worrying.  Be happy.  Study hard....but make time to enjoy Groovy UV.

Writing for this blog has been one of the highlights of my semester.   It forced me to get out and explore a city I thought I already knew.  Burlington is a cool place with  some hidden gems that not many people know about.  This blog was a great excuse to go to bars and restaurants….all of those half priced burgers, wings and beers were for YOU, reader!  All of the concerts…all of the hiking… that was thorough investigative research for the success of this blog.   With graduation looming over my head I feel the need to do as many fun things as I can.  I don’t have time to feel sad or stressed because before I know it, I will be waving goodbye to the beautiful green mountain state.   I've been going out to meet the world...saying yes to every opportunity....and life is SO good.

Oscar Wilde was a pretty smart dude, so you should take his words to heart.  Don’t let exams, relationships, money or first world problems get you down.  Laugh at your self, laugh at life and go WILDE.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Why I Don't Need Money to Have Fun

Everyone claims to have the best friends possible, and maybe they think they do, but they have clearly never met the group of mystical and crazy creatures that I surround myself with daily.  

I was in the middle of writing this blog post when Tiffany gave a great presentation on what to look for in a friend.  And, although all of my friends exhibit all of the qualities that she spoke about (honesty, caring, etc.), they are also a group of wild, mad, foolish, dysfunctional and debatably insane individuals.  But somehow, all of our different types of crazy fit together and create a group of fun-loving, entertaining, and beautiful friends. 

What makes my group of friends so great is that we have different and dynamic interests, as well as unique and distinctive personalities.  The friends that I have are not just “party” friends, or “class friends,” or “people that you can live with but don’t really like,” they are all genuinely great people who I know I can hang out with in any situation, at any time of day, and we’re bound to have fun.  I know that they will be there to celebrate with me when something great happens and to comfort me in times of need.

Now, this blog post is not merely to talk up my friends and let them know how much I love them (well..maybe it was about that a little bit), but rather to try to encourage you all to find a group of people who you really, truly care about.  And once you find this group, have as much fun as possible with them before you are forced to part ways at the end of college.  When you find a group of good friends, you don’t need money to have a good time.  And, as cheesy as that sounds, it’s true.  It doesn’t matter what activity you are doing, as long as you are with the people that you love and have fun with, that’s all that really matters.  Some of my favorite memories with my friends are when we are just bumming around the apartment, doing nothing at all.  If you surround yourself with positive people, you don't need to spend any money to guarantee that you'll have fun. 

So, if you are a freshman or sophomore and reading this, you still have time to find a group of friends that you really connect with and when you do, cherish the time you have with them.  Your next few years will fly by, so don’t waste any time with people who don’t bring out the best in you.

If you are a junior or senior reading this, chances are you have your solid group of friends already.  Spend as much time with them as possible.  With graduation encroaching, this is probably the last time in your life that you’ll be able to be with all of your best friends in one place before you all move away.

Now, I don’t want to end this post on a depressing note about college being short and yaddayadda, so I'll leave you with some more reasons why my group of friends is too great.
Who else would:
-drag you downtown in a wagon because you broke your foot and couldn’t walk?
-accidentally smash their forehead into your jaw while dancing too hard to Taylor Swift’s weird new dubstep song and knock your tooth out?
 -blast “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey all the way from St. Mikes to Trinity Campus, while holding onto a Christmas tree that is falling off of your car?
-befriend TWO gingers?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Zombie Killahhhh Podcast

Don't Fear the Winter

The first snow has fallen to mark the start of a long and cold winter.  For some, this might be scary, but there is no reason to fear the winter.  Instead we must embrace it, and realize that there is nothing to fear.  I think that winter is the best season Burlington has to offer.  Burlington is a place that offers a true winter, and many fun activities to go along with it.  The cold weather makes us stronger, and brings us closer together, which is a beautiful thing.  There is no other season where warmth and coziness is more desirable.

Sure I love summer or spring just as much as anybody, and I had a great summer here in Burlington.  But in the summer we want to escape the heat, and it makes us lethargic and lazy.  In the winter we can actually appreciate the warmth.  Warmth is a natural human necessity and it sucks having to resent it.  The brisk air outside is awesome because it wakes us up, and gives us energy.  In the winter, you can put on as many layers as you want to stay warm and toasty, but in the summer we can't take off our clothes to escape the heat.

Winter is the season that brings us together, the time when we get to know each other the best.  We are trapped inside, and forced to enjoy each others company.  In the winter being a homebody recluse is justifiable, and enjoyable.  For some reason movies and music just seem better.  Furthermore, when it's truly cold outside, being trapped in the library doing homework does not seem like the worst thing in the world.

But the winter is not all about being a recluse.  There are so many fun activities the winter offers us, and many of these can only be found in Vermont, or other "true winter" climates, where it actually snows.  Just check out my fellow blogger Johnny Redox's post about the top ten winter activities, and you'll be just as excited about the winter as I am.  Snowboarding and sledding are probably my two favorite activities of all times, and they can only be done in the winter!  I also don't think there is anything more aesthetically pleasing than looking outside to fresh layer of snow on the ground, and making the first tracks, or looking at the mountain tops capped with snow.

Don't fear the winter, embrace it!  The cold that makes us suffer can only make us stronger.  After surviving a Vermont winter anything seems possible.  As we get through hell week, look forward to the light at the end of the tunnel (in the form of snow), and hope that mother nature gives us a good winter this year, so we can take full advantage of the best season Burlington has to offer!  Besides, what are you even doing in Vermont if you hate the winter?  You best learn to enjoy it, cause we're in for the long haul.

Say No To Stress

I'ts that time of year again... The tryptophan comas and Black Friday shootings are behind us, Christmas music has already gotten irritating, and a few times a week it even feels like it's finally winter. For us college-aged young adults, this time of year means something very different; it's exam time again (gasp). Thats right, while your little sister is wondering if she has finally been good enough for that pony, you'll be cramming a semester worth of lecture notes and pulling all-nighters to meet that fourteen page requirement.
While I can't change the rigors of academia any more than you can, I can and will suggest some things that can make this gauntlet easier on you. The worst part of regurgitating the entire content of a semester into a week of tests is the stress that goes along with the seemingly endless amount of work and studying that lies before us. Dealing with this stress rather than letting it control you is the key to a smooth and successful exam season. Here is list of a few things you can do to help deal with what lies ahead.

1) Get Physical
The early mornings and late nights spent in the library are enough to drive anyone stir crazy. Something as simple as going out and getting a little exercise can make a world of difference is your attitude, as well as your effectiveness when it comes to your work. The sense of alertness and relaxation that follows physical activity will help you stay better focused throughout the day, allowing you to concentrate on the things that matter. Setting aside time to get a workout in also keeps you mindful of time efficiency during the day, knowing you need to make good use of your time. Regardless of when you find time in your day for it, going outside and getting some exercise can make a world of difference. UVM has plenty of options in their fitness center if you would prefer to keep it on campus. And who knows... we might actually might be able to hit the trails sometime before this semester ends!

2) Phone a Friend 
It's easy to lose touch with people when you start succumbing to the stresses of college life. Pick up the phone and change that! Whether it be a call to the rents to see how the family back home is doing or a call to that crazy friend who always seems to have an awesomely funny inappropriate story for you, it can make a world of difference. Step out of your study area and have a conversation with a real live human being. If it's possible, maybe even meet them face to face! A quick break for coffee and conversation could be just what you need to keep your head in the game and get those creative juices flowing.

3) Embrace Distractions 
The distractions online can be devastating to productivity, but can also be a  de stressing tool when used responsibly. Rather than telling yourself that you will stay of your favorite news and social media sites while you work, why not create a realistic reward system to mix up your time in front of the computer. I usually go with a 50-10 work to leisure rating. That means for every 50 minutes I buckle down and work, I give myself a 10 minute break to go check out my facebook, read the news, or just generally embrace my distractions and stumble around the internet. Giving yourself a short term reward for staying focused is a great way to use your normal procrastination to your advantage.

4) Make Art
Let me begin by telling you, you do not need to be an artist to make art. I don't want to hear the "I can't draw" excuse as a way out of this one, because a realistic sketch is not always the precurser to good art (e.g. Jackson Pollock). Just take out a blank page of your notebook and sketch, doodle, write a few lines of poetry, anything really. The point is that you are turning the analytical part of your brain off for a few minutes and just creating something. Even just filling a page with scribbles can help to get some stress out of your system and give your overworked brain a much appreciated rest.

5) Make Plans 
One of the most difficult things about exam season can be that the light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away. The relaxation of Christmas break requires you crossing the perilous chasm of exams, and it can be easy to lose sight of the other side. One quick way to fix that is to make some plans. Maybe this is the right time to ask a crush out to dinner, chances are the escape is something the both of you could use. Maybe its a good time to set aside a night to make a themed dinner with your room mates (I recommend a SexiMexi night myself). Whatever tickles your fancy, grab a friend or two and make it happen. Making plans can bridge the seemingly hopeless gap between the amount of work you have to do right now and the sense of relaxation and completion that is waiting for you at the end.

So there you have it. Five ways to start you on your search for peace and serenity during this always challenging time of year. I wish all of you the best in the coming exam days, as well as a happy holiday season that seems oh so far away.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Three Dope Blogs to Check Out

Yo. Here are a few blogs to check out if you’re looking for new and fun things to do in the Burlington area.

UVM /bored is a great organization that the university has to update the student population on everything that is going on at UVM.  On their website, they advertise tons of events that are going on (many of which are free), but they also have a great blog where they write reviews of different things in the area.  Definitely worth checking out. (The post on coffee shops was my favorite..was that a surprise to anyone?)

There are the four blogs that Seven Days has about various things around Vermont.  These blogs are a great way to catch up with things that are going on in the community, be it free dance classes or a new brewery opening up nearby. These blogs are full of information on things to do if you’re bored in this lovely city.

Lastly, Thought Catalog is one of my favorite blogs to read.  Okay, so it’s not solely about cheap things to do in college, but it has some hysterical and interesting articles.  It has everything from “25 Things I’ve Learned in My 20s” to the “Inner Monologue of Bo Obama.”  It’s definitely a great procrastination tool to help you get through finals week.

Social Media is the future

Hey all!

So after a speech I made in class about the importance of social media and personal branding, I thought I would post the Wall Street Journal article of must-have job skills for 2013. Personal branding is a great project to work on over winter break and the best part about social media? It's fun AND free :)

Here are three simple steps to improve your social media skills:

    1. Gain followers on Twitter.  Start making that brand for yourself. Employers will be impressed by your ability to gather followers because it shows you have drive, initiative and have something to say that people want to hear. The easiest way to start doing this? Ask people to add you. Even if it’s a shameless plug on your blog: @beckymaehayes :)
    2. Create a LinkedIn profile. And update it regularly! Every second two members join linkedin. This is your competition. Add connections. Ask former employees to write you reviews. These are the things that will get you noticed.
    3. Keep blogging! Or if you haven't started yet, create a blog. Show employers that you can write effectively, your engaged in the social media world and your eager to teach something new to loyal followers.
    Social media is the future. It is changing the way we look at the world. Most of us use social media, but what I am here today to tell you, is not only use it but utilize it. Good luck and enjoy creating your personal brand!

    Saturday, December 1, 2012

    Current Event:Transgenics

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Transgenics!  A fantastic place with a wild menagerie of genetically modified organisms and genetically engineered foods. A magical place where fish glow green and corn can kill insects with bacterial toxins! Its like we are living in the future!  Transgenics is the process of taking genes from one species and placing them into the DNA of another species.  This process creates a genetically modified organism (GMO).  Imagine all of the possibilities?  Plants can become resistant to pests, drought, and herbicides.  We could maximize produce production and solve world hunger!  We could make pigs fly and give humans gills! But with great power comes great responsibility, so lets get serious.  Transgenics has become a controversial issue.
    Unfortunately, the agricultural industry has turned very corporate and is now dominated by major companies like Monsanto, who generate GM seeds for farms; Seeds that are resistant to herbicides and allow farmers to blast chemicals all over their fields. Herbicides are now found in 60 to 100 percent of the air samples and rain samples in the Midwest. Think about how excess roundup can sink into the soil and run off into the water supplies of major cities or other ecosystems that are not resistant to herbicides. It is slowly killing our earth.  Maybe we won’t see the affects of the GM food in our lifetime, but what are the long-term ramifications of ingesting GMO’s? To read more about the dangers of GMO check out this interview with Jeffery Smith, author of seed of deception.  Click here.
    Corn and soybeans in particular are popular target for genetic modification. About 90 percent of U.S. production of these foods comes from GE crops.  So much of the food in our diet contains soy or corn. Many of our foods like ketchup, salad dressing, soda, cookies and chips all contain high fructose corn syrup.  And what about all of that meat, dairy and eggs you are eating?  GE animals are not yet approved for human consumption, but the animals are fed GM corn or soymeal.  What are the secondary toxic affects on humans?  Or are there affects at all?

    The stance on transgenics is not one sided.  There are many people who think the future of agriculture is in GMO’s.  With rising populations it is thought that we cannot possibly feed everyone with modern farming techniques.  Biotechnology is a tool for greater seed variety and faster and cheaper production of crops.  Scientifically it is difficult to prove the harm of ingesting a GMO.  If you feed a mouse enough of anything it is going to get cancer and die.   You can read more about these opinions in a Business Day article here.

    Over the summer the state of Vermont considered a bill that would have made it mandatory for genetically modified foods to be labeled.   Even though the Bill had great support from the public it failed to pass.  Other states like California and Florida have also tried to pass such Bills.  Click here to read an article about Florida's efforts for GMO labeling.  Don’t we have a right to know what is in our food and where it came from?  This brings us to the wonderful green city of Burlington where grass-fed beef is offered, organic vegetarian options are bountiful, and many supermarket’s offer co-ops for selling healthy products in bulk to low-income residents.  The Intervale Community Farm provides the greater Burlington community with an affordable source of high-quality, organic produce. Magnolias, the Farmhouse and Bite Me are just a few of the many restaurants offering local organic dishes. So be proud that you go to school in Vermont and enjoy all  of the green restaurants downtown!!!
    As a microbiology major I think transgenics is a fascinating ethical topic.  The compelxity of DNA is unpredictable.  Are we doing more harm than good?  What gives us the right to play god and speed up evolution?  What happens when GMO crops outcompete other plants and become an invasive species?  Is there animal suffering with animal transgenics?  I hope I was able to spark your interest and show how relevant genetic engineering can be in your life.   Transgenics encompasses far more than just GM food. We have been able to insert a spider silk gene into goats and harvest silk protein through goat’s milk.  GM animals are used as disease models, for researching effective treatments for diseases in humans. Transgenic cattle were created to carry particular human proteins that can be used to treat human emphysema.  Transgenic pigs with human histo-compatibility genes have been bred in the hope that their "humanized" organs will not be rejected by a patient's immune system.   Click here for a fun list of discovery channels list of top ten eccentric transgenic animals.  And click here for a terrific article published in Nature that describes the science behind transgenics.   

    Sunday, November 25, 2012

    More places to find cheap fun

    Broke and Ballin' isn't the only blog out there to help you find fun things to do on a budget. There are plenty of websites that can lead to some inexpensive adventures. Here are a few I would recommend you check out:

    1. The Simple Dollar: This blog is run by a man who was once $20,000 in credit card debt, several consumer loans, a pile of student loans, two car loans, and no money in savings. He turned his whole life around and started The Simple Dollar after he got rid of all his loans. His posts are extremely helpful and his story inspiring.
    2. WiseBread: The slogan for this blog is living large on a small budget. What could be better? The blog covers everything from personal finance to credit card debt. My favorite section is the Do-It-Yourself posts. I love all the craft ideas.
    3. The Fun, Cheap, or Free Queen: Jordan Page is fantastic. Her ideas and posts are addicting. You get sucked into one after another, so be prepared to stay on her page for a while. Her suggestions on how to grocery shop are key. Everyone should take a look at her shopping budget video. I plan on taking many tips from her to save some of the change in my piggy bank.

    Have you found any good blogs that offer money-saving tips to have a good time?

    Saturday, November 24, 2012

    Theatre: Great performances that don't empty your pockets

    I just read a wonderful post from the blog Art Collective about the wonders of live theater. The blogger, Penelope C., wrote about how theater is unpredictable  You can see the same show 5 times and the performance will always be different. Also, she wrote about the craft of theater, with it's stages, costumes, lights, and talent.

    I have to say that I completely agree. I have been to quite a few live theater performances and they are always fantastic. What is great about Burlington is that there are tons of options for seeing a show and they are generally affordable for students!

    1. The Flynn: The Flynn is great because it is a historic theater that has dance, musicals, plays and more ranging from Broadway talent to the local high school kids. And tickets aren't that much. You could see a wonderful performance of local talent for a little as $10. I saw Chicago last year by actors from UVM, St. Mike's, and Burlington High School. I was very impressed.  But even if you want to see the real deal, tickets for off-Broadway performances are literally HALF the price of tickets you would try to obtain in Boston. Same actors. Same show. Half the price. I love Burlington! Spring Awakening last year was a must-see.

    2. Royall Tyler Theatre: You don't even have to leave campus for great entertainment  Student performers at the Royall Tyler Theatre are incredible. I always leave with a smile on my face after seeing the talent that comes from my peers. The sets, costumes and lights are always done by students as well. And the student tickets? Only $7!

    So do yourself a favor and check out what is coming up next at the local theatres. I can guarantee you won't be disappointed!

    Friday, November 23, 2012

    Top 10 Winter Activities

    10.)  Movie Night

    Well it’s that time of the season when people are going gaga over holiday family films that touch the spirit and warm the heart.  Rest assured Bailey Howe Library has what seems like an infinite collection of DVD’s, yes, even your favorite holiday films.  And guess what its for free! Go downstairs to the media services center and browse the large catalogue of movies.  I personally love a good cheesy sci-fi creature features during the holiday season. Nothing says Merry Christmas like Tremors 3 or Anaconda: Hunt for the blood orchid. 

    9.) Burlington Winter Farmers Market

    Fear not, for the summer’s farmers market that you grew to love is not gone for the season; it has only been relocated to Burlington’s memorial auditorium located on 250 Main Street.  Even in the cruel winter months, you can still feast upon fresh produce.  Take shelter from the snow and enjoy the lively local crowd as you shop for garlic, beets, radishes, spinach, cheese and other locally grown crafts and products.

    8.)  Hot chocolate

    Maybe its too cold for you out there and you would rather spend your winter hunkered  down enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate.  Remember those coupon books that student life was hocking at you the first couple weeks of school?  Within that book is a coupon for buy one Lake Champlain hot chocolate and get the second hot chocolate free.  Go with a buddy and enjoy a deliciously cheap cup of hot chocolate, while people watching on church street.

    7.) Hockey Game

    Bust out your green and gold and head to a UVM hockey game.  Show your school spirit and cheer on the catamounts!  Go Cats Go!  The enthusiastic crowd of cheering students makes it quite the exhilarating experience.   It’s a great opportunity to meet new people, bond with your friends and strengthen your school pride!  Even if you don’t know anything about hockey I encourage you to go to a game.  Just cheer when the crowd cheers and you are guaranteed a fun time.

    6.)  Thrift Shops

    With the temperature dropping you may have wished that you had some warmer apparel. Maybe something kind of hip without breaking the budget.  Maybe you want another way of boosting your hipster cred other than drinking black coffee out of a mason jar.  Lucky for you Burlington and the greater Burlington area has plenty of thrift shops. I’m talking shops on shops on shops. And there is plenty to do with that used clothing.  Buy matching suit shirts with your friends and then go to a restaurant for a fake business causal dinner.   Start planning next years Halloween costume.   Find the perfectly ugly sweater for that holiday party.
    Here are a few of my favorite places to shop:

    Downtown threads on 73 church street
    Battery Street Jeans on 7 marble avenue off of pine street
    Plato’s closet on 34 Taft corner shopping center in Williston.
    Goodwill on 1080 Shelburne road

    Plato’s Closet and Downtown threads will buy clothes off of you, which is a nice way of making some extra cash.

    5.) Bikram yoga

    Cold weather got you down?  Try bikram yoga!  The room is heated to about 95 degrees, which allows for deeper stretching and flexibility.   Sweat out all of the toxins from last Friday night.  Feel your stress melt away.   Heal and relieve tension from your body.  Its pretty amazing how much you sweat during the 90 minutes.  Student rates for bikram yoga sessions are $12 a class.  It might seem expensive, but bikram yoga is a really unique experience that greatly improves your health.  Give it a try!   Bikram Yoga studio is located on 257 pine street. Drop ins are welcome.  Arrive 15 minutes early if it is your first time so you can meet with an instructor and get an overview about the class.

    4.) Ski and Snowboard

    How would a winter’s activity list be complete without skiing and snowboarding?  It’s too late to buy your pass through the Ski and Snowboard club, but some mountains are still offering seasonal passes.  It may seem pricey, but these passes are bargains.  Take advantage of Burlington’s location and accessibility to mountains beyond mountains.   Don’t have skis?  You can rent them through the outing club for $20.  Even if you aren’t a skier or snowboarder, you could always tag along with your friends and spend a day at the lodge reading by a fire. 

    3.) Sledding

    Who says sledding is just for kids?  Grab a bunch of your friends and head to Burlington   Country Club for a midnight sledding adventure.   There is a surprisingly big hill right next to the club house.   Don’t have a sled?  Get creative and make one! Seriously, make a competition with your friends and see who can create the fastest makeshift sled.  Yoga mats, pizza boxes, cookie sheets, aluminum turkey roasting pans, trash bag…. whatever you can get your hands on.  If you want something a little more legitimate, try heading over to Sharp Tubing Park in Milton, where you can rent a sled for $12 or bring your own sled and take advantage of the nicely groomed slope.

    2.) Carnival

    Celebrate the winter season at Quebec Winter Carnival!  It’s a huge celebration for art, music, sports, culture and winter festivities. There are parades, ice sculptures, snow slides, outdoor dance parties, ice-skating….the list goes on and on.  The night parade was one of my favorite events.  The parade floats are over the top, the music is loud and energetic and the crowd goes crazy.  Winter Carnival is from February 1-17.   Mark your calendars and plan a weekend adventure with your friends.  Go hard and celebrate the joys of life at this winter extravaganza!

    1.) Snowshoeing

    You can rent a pair of snowshoes from the outing club for only $8!  For your first time keep it simple and easy.  Maybe stroll through centennial woods in search of beaver dams or trek the secret path to the wale tails located next to I-89.  Then work up a sweat by hiking your favorite mountain paths. There are some great trails at Bolton valley.  There is nothing like hearing the crunch of snow under your feet and seeing your frosty breath in the winter air as you slowly work your up a twisting snow covered path.