Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Don't Fear the Winter

The first snow has fallen to mark the start of a long and cold winter.  For some, this might be scary, but there is no reason to fear the winter.  Instead we must embrace it, and realize that there is nothing to fear.  I think that winter is the best season Burlington has to offer.  Burlington is a place that offers a true winter, and many fun activities to go along with it.  The cold weather makes us stronger, and brings us closer together, which is a beautiful thing.  There is no other season where warmth and coziness is more desirable.

Sure I love summer or spring just as much as anybody, and I had a great summer here in Burlington.  But in the summer we want to escape the heat, and it makes us lethargic and lazy.  In the winter we can actually appreciate the warmth.  Warmth is a natural human necessity and it sucks having to resent it.  The brisk air outside is awesome because it wakes us up, and gives us energy.  In the winter, you can put on as many layers as you want to stay warm and toasty, but in the summer we can't take off our clothes to escape the heat.

Winter is the season that brings us together, the time when we get to know each other the best.  We are trapped inside, and forced to enjoy each others company.  In the winter being a homebody recluse is justifiable, and enjoyable.  For some reason movies and music just seem better.  Furthermore, when it's truly cold outside, being trapped in the library doing homework does not seem like the worst thing in the world.

But the winter is not all about being a recluse.  There are so many fun activities the winter offers us, and many of these can only be found in Vermont, or other "true winter" climates, where it actually snows.  Just check out my fellow blogger Johnny Redox's post about the top ten winter activities, and you'll be just as excited about the winter as I am.  Snowboarding and sledding are probably my two favorite activities of all times, and they can only be done in the winter!  I also don't think there is anything more aesthetically pleasing than looking outside to fresh layer of snow on the ground, and making the first tracks, or looking at the mountain tops capped with snow.

Don't fear the winter, embrace it!  The cold that makes us suffer can only make us stronger.  After surviving a Vermont winter anything seems possible.  As we get through hell week, look forward to the light at the end of the tunnel (in the form of snow), and hope that mother nature gives us a good winter this year, so we can take full advantage of the best season Burlington has to offer!  Besides, what are you even doing in Vermont if you hate the winter?  You best learn to enjoy it, cause we're in for the long haul.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the links of these activities! Winter in VT does bother me some how, but now it's time to change it...
