Saturday, December 8, 2012

Why I Don't Need Money to Have Fun

Everyone claims to have the best friends possible, and maybe they think they do, but they have clearly never met the group of mystical and crazy creatures that I surround myself with daily.  

I was in the middle of writing this blog post when Tiffany gave a great presentation on what to look for in a friend.  And, although all of my friends exhibit all of the qualities that she spoke about (honesty, caring, etc.), they are also a group of wild, mad, foolish, dysfunctional and debatably insane individuals.  But somehow, all of our different types of crazy fit together and create a group of fun-loving, entertaining, and beautiful friends. 

What makes my group of friends so great is that we have different and dynamic interests, as well as unique and distinctive personalities.  The friends that I have are not just “party” friends, or “class friends,” or “people that you can live with but don’t really like,” they are all genuinely great people who I know I can hang out with in any situation, at any time of day, and we’re bound to have fun.  I know that they will be there to celebrate with me when something great happens and to comfort me in times of need.

Now, this blog post is not merely to talk up my friends and let them know how much I love them (well..maybe it was about that a little bit), but rather to try to encourage you all to find a group of people who you really, truly care about.  And once you find this group, have as much fun as possible with them before you are forced to part ways at the end of college.  When you find a group of good friends, you don’t need money to have a good time.  And, as cheesy as that sounds, it’s true.  It doesn’t matter what activity you are doing, as long as you are with the people that you love and have fun with, that’s all that really matters.  Some of my favorite memories with my friends are when we are just bumming around the apartment, doing nothing at all.  If you surround yourself with positive people, you don't need to spend any money to guarantee that you'll have fun. 

So, if you are a freshman or sophomore and reading this, you still have time to find a group of friends that you really connect with and when you do, cherish the time you have with them.  Your next few years will fly by, so don’t waste any time with people who don’t bring out the best in you.

If you are a junior or senior reading this, chances are you have your solid group of friends already.  Spend as much time with them as possible.  With graduation encroaching, this is probably the last time in your life that you’ll be able to be with all of your best friends in one place before you all move away.

Now, I don’t want to end this post on a depressing note about college being short and yaddayadda, so I'll leave you with some more reasons why my group of friends is too great.
Who else would:
-drag you downtown in a wagon because you broke your foot and couldn’t walk?
-accidentally smash their forehead into your jaw while dancing too hard to Taylor Swift’s weird new dubstep song and knock your tooth out?
 -blast “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey all the way from St. Mikes to Trinity Campus, while holding onto a Christmas tree that is falling off of your car?
-befriend TWO gingers?

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