Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Say No To Stress

I'ts that time of year again... The tryptophan comas and Black Friday shootings are behind us, Christmas music has already gotten irritating, and a few times a week it even feels like it's finally winter. For us college-aged young adults, this time of year means something very different; it's exam time again (gasp). Thats right, while your little sister is wondering if she has finally been good enough for that pony, you'll be cramming a semester worth of lecture notes and pulling all-nighters to meet that fourteen page requirement.
While I can't change the rigors of academia any more than you can, I can and will suggest some things that can make this gauntlet easier on you. The worst part of regurgitating the entire content of a semester into a week of tests is the stress that goes along with the seemingly endless amount of work and studying that lies before us. Dealing with this stress rather than letting it control you is the key to a smooth and successful exam season. Here is list of a few things you can do to help deal with what lies ahead.

1) Get Physical
The early mornings and late nights spent in the library are enough to drive anyone stir crazy. Something as simple as going out and getting a little exercise can make a world of difference is your attitude, as well as your effectiveness when it comes to your work. The sense of alertness and relaxation that follows physical activity will help you stay better focused throughout the day, allowing you to concentrate on the things that matter. Setting aside time to get a workout in also keeps you mindful of time efficiency during the day, knowing you need to make good use of your time. Regardless of when you find time in your day for it, going outside and getting some exercise can make a world of difference. UVM has plenty of options in their fitness center if you would prefer to keep it on campus. And who knows... we might actually might be able to hit the trails sometime before this semester ends!

2) Phone a Friend 
It's easy to lose touch with people when you start succumbing to the stresses of college life. Pick up the phone and change that! Whether it be a call to the rents to see how the family back home is doing or a call to that crazy friend who always seems to have an awesomely funny inappropriate story for you, it can make a world of difference. Step out of your study area and have a conversation with a real live human being. If it's possible, maybe even meet them face to face! A quick break for coffee and conversation could be just what you need to keep your head in the game and get those creative juices flowing.

3) Embrace Distractions 
The distractions online can be devastating to productivity, but can also be a  de stressing tool when used responsibly. Rather than telling yourself that you will stay of your favorite news and social media sites while you work, why not create a realistic reward system to mix up your time in front of the computer. I usually go with a 50-10 work to leisure rating. That means for every 50 minutes I buckle down and work, I give myself a 10 minute break to go check out my facebook, read the news, or just generally embrace my distractions and stumble around the internet. Giving yourself a short term reward for staying focused is a great way to use your normal procrastination to your advantage.

4) Make Art
Let me begin by telling you, you do not need to be an artist to make art. I don't want to hear the "I can't draw" excuse as a way out of this one, because a realistic sketch is not always the precurser to good art (e.g. Jackson Pollock). Just take out a blank page of your notebook and sketch, doodle, write a few lines of poetry, anything really. The point is that you are turning the analytical part of your brain off for a few minutes and just creating something. Even just filling a page with scribbles can help to get some stress out of your system and give your overworked brain a much appreciated rest.

5) Make Plans 
One of the most difficult things about exam season can be that the light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away. The relaxation of Christmas break requires you crossing the perilous chasm of exams, and it can be easy to lose sight of the other side. One quick way to fix that is to make some plans. Maybe this is the right time to ask a crush out to dinner, chances are the escape is something the both of you could use. Maybe its a good time to set aside a night to make a themed dinner with your room mates (I recommend a SexiMexi night myself). Whatever tickles your fancy, grab a friend or two and make it happen. Making plans can bridge the seemingly hopeless gap between the amount of work you have to do right now and the sense of relaxation and completion that is waiting for you at the end.

So there you have it. Five ways to start you on your search for peace and serenity during this always challenging time of year. I wish all of you the best in the coming exam days, as well as a happy holiday season that seems oh so far away.


1 comment:

  1. I've been stressing hard these past few days! It's nice to read some words of wisdom to alleviate the pains of finals week.
