Sunday, December 2, 2012

Social Media is the future

Hey all!

So after a speech I made in class about the importance of social media and personal branding, I thought I would post the Wall Street Journal article of must-have job skills for 2013. Personal branding is a great project to work on over winter break and the best part about social media? It's fun AND free :)

Here are three simple steps to improve your social media skills:

    1. Gain followers on Twitter.  Start making that brand for yourself. Employers will be impressed by your ability to gather followers because it shows you have drive, initiative and have something to say that people want to hear. The easiest way to start doing this? Ask people to add you. Even if it’s a shameless plug on your blog: @beckymaehayes :)
    2. Create a LinkedIn profile. And update it regularly! Every second two members join linkedin. This is your competition. Add connections. Ask former employees to write you reviews. These are the things that will get you noticed.
    3. Keep blogging! Or if you haven't started yet, create a blog. Show employers that you can write effectively, your engaged in the social media world and your eager to teach something new to loyal followers.
    Social media is the future. It is changing the way we look at the world. Most of us use social media, but what I am here today to tell you, is not only use it but utilize it. Good luck and enjoy creating your personal brand!


    1. Great presentation! It worked well to discount the onion talk we had just watched. Good job!

    2. Not only did you do a great job with your presentation, you may have had more influence than you thought. I have been teetering on the edge of retiring my facebook page for some time now, and you may have given me a big push in the other direction. You made some fantastic points, and it is really undeniable that the power of social media will continue to grow as people find more efficient and effective ways to use the massive amount of information they contain.

      Kudos, you've kept me on the grid. For now...
