Thursday, December 13, 2012

Going Wilde

The semester is almost over and winter break is right around the corner!

One more day to go people! You’ve got this!!!

But maybe you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Maybe you are hopelessly overwhelmed with your essays and exams. Believe me, I’ve been there.  I just had a physics final.  Physics: the terrible beast from academic hell with its demonic wings and fiery talons.  That horrible creature was beating me down with simple harmonic motion and tearing me apart with rotational dynamics.  So how do you beat the demon?  How do you overcome academic stress?  Just don’t worry about it. 

In the wise words of Oscar Wilde, “ Life is far too important to be taken seriously.” 

Academics are important (that’s why we are here after all), but there is more to college than getting a good GPA. When I was a freshman I was locked into the pre-med path and my grades were at the top of my priorities list….But I was unhappy and missing out on fun times.  Fast forward to my senior year where I am Broke and Ballin’ in Burly and believe in the mystical powers of YOLO.    Four years at UVM goes by too fast, so you need to enjoy every minute of it!  So all that stress you are feeling...forget about it.   In 10 years it’s not going to matter what grade you got on your final exam. So stop worrying.  Be happy.  Study hard....but make time to enjoy Groovy UV.

Writing for this blog has been one of the highlights of my semester.   It forced me to get out and explore a city I thought I already knew.  Burlington is a cool place with  some hidden gems that not many people know about.  This blog was a great excuse to go to bars and restaurants….all of those half priced burgers, wings and beers were for YOU, reader!  All of the concerts…all of the hiking… that was thorough investigative research for the success of this blog.   With graduation looming over my head I feel the need to do as many fun things as I can.  I don’t have time to feel sad or stressed because before I know it, I will be waving goodbye to the beautiful green mountain state.   I've been going out to meet the world...saying yes to every opportunity....and life is SO good.

Oscar Wilde was a pretty smart dude, so you should take his words to heart.  Don’t let exams, relationships, money or first world problems get you down.  Laugh at your self, laugh at life and go WILDE.  

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