Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thank You Daddy!

My Thursdays consist of four classes, all back to back. If that wasn't bad enough, two of them are three hour seminars. As I bobbed and weaved through the mobile privatized masses, it occurred to me on my first Thursday that there was no way I was going to make it out alive without sustenance. I instantly knew what my day needed. Pulling a quick left, I could almost taste the warm dough and gooey cheese as I climbed the small hill up towards cook in the direction of the green. By my calculations I would be slamming the last delicious bite of my second slice as I walked into class in exactly six minutes. Wait? Where is it? What is going on?! OH DEAR LORD NO?!?!

It was gone. The Big Daddy's Pizza truck that served up hot slices of 1$ cheesy goodness was missing in action. Distraught, I stumbled to my last two classes the shell of a man. This was unacceptable. As soon as I was out of my final class, I made a phone call to the Big Daddy Mothership and voiced my concern. After getting over their initial confusion concerning a call that was for information rather than for anything edible, I was informed that there had been mechanical problems. The mobile extension of Big Daddy's was currently off line pending necessary mechanical repairs, and they couldn't supply a timeline for its completion. "WHELL WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO EAT?" They had no answer for my manic question. As the days turned into weeks, I floated from class to class in a dark haze. Lost in a sea of pizza-less despair. 

Alas... Last week I lifted my heavy head and to the surprise of my soulless sunken eyes, there it was. At first I thought it was a mirage. This couldn't be, could it? Dropping my backpack throwing my books into the air I opened up in a sprint that ended in a full embrace of the rear quarter panel of the truck. The tears streamed down my eyes as I basked in the explosion of joy and hope, the smell of freshly cooked pizza wafting out from every crack. In the heat of my passionate reunion, I barely made out the terrified inquisitions from the two new employees inside.

If you don't know or understand the true passion I have for the Big Daddy's truck than I am not sure what you are, but it sure as shit isn't human. In the frigid tundra that is a UVM winter, two dollars will get you two steaming hot slices, a picture perfect amalgamation of dough, sauce, and cheese. The perfect amount to fill you up for a price that is unheard of on the UVM campus. I must admit, it seems they have scaled the dollar slices down a bit from previous years, but one can only assume that they began to come to their senses. The deal is incredible no matter how you slice it (pun intended) and for slightly more you can deck your slice out with all of the fixings. They even stock Buffalo Chicken slices for you pizza elitists. 

But you know me, "I gotta have my cheese John." 

So now you know where to go when the cold descends onto campus once again and you find yourself hungry and in a rush. Take a detour to the Big Daddy's truck, located at the intersection between Williams Hall and the University Green for some 1$ cheesy goodness. 

Until next time, stay classy my fellow bloggers. -Amory 


  1. The big daddy truck has been my savior! i love being able to use my spare bills for a lil slice of goodness. They are also super cool, yesterday the BBQ slice i ordered was a little smaller than usual and they only charged me a buck for it rather than the normal $2. I felt like they really had my back

  2. I was SO happy to see that beautiful truck again!
