Monday, October 15, 2012

Check these blogs out!

The three blogs I have selected may seem disparate, but I promise there is a method to my madness.  Start by reading up on the Power of Now.  Get invigorated about life and seize your Friday night!  Then pursue the VT Beer blog and decide on what drinks you want to try at the bars downtown.  Lastly, look over Brain Picking for some good conversational topics and rumination on life.  When you are at the bars all the biddies and bros will be super impressed by your taste in beer and your intellectual mystique. 

Last winter break I studied abroad in Bali and learned all about consciousness, culture and community.  To be honest, I pretty much got credit to meditate in rice patty fields.  One of the books I had to read for class was The Power of Now by Eackart Tolle.  This book, in combination with my experiences in Bali was completely life changing.  Thankfully, Eackart Tolle has been swept up in the modern blogging craze and is now able to spread his tips on spiritual enlightenment to new audiences through the Internet.  Spiritual enlightenment, huh?  Before you blow off this blog as some hippie bullshit just give me a chance.  The main gist of Tolle’s ideology is being fully present in the moment….uhh, YOLO.  Basically, western education emphasizes the analytical mind, rationality and categorization, but we should be more focused on balance and intuition. So, how do you succeed in your academics and still manage to be ballin’ in burly?  By the power of now, that’s how!  Stop worrying about your upcoming exam and stop regretting what you did last Thursday night.  Just enjoy the present moment and be happy!

2.) VT Beer

I am a strong supporter of the localvore movement, so I figured why not drink locally too.  No more natty ice for me.  Now, as a ‘mature’ 21 year old, I am all about experiencing Vermont’s finest beers.  I am no beer connoisseur, but I appreciate the large number of brewery’s Vermont has to offer.  And so my journey begins to experience local beers on beers on beers.  But what is a quest without a little guidance.  To help me on my microbrewery journey I have been checking out the VT Beer blog.  This blog is informative and concise.  I like that it is simply about promoting awareness to local breweries and that’s it, nothing fancy.  It is basically one of these blogs you just add to your routine: Wake up, eat breakfast, check email, and check the beer blog.   It is a great way to familiarize your self with all of the microbrewery’s Vermont has to offer.

Want to have interesting conversation with strangers?    Do you have a lack of contemplation and ingenuity in your life?  Well, then the blog, Brain Picking, is the blog for you.  I really enjoy this blogs wide array of topics, fun pictures and interviews.  Open your mind to art, science, sociology, philosophy and culture.  Challenge your friends with thought provoking ideas and then feel damn good about it.  Next time you enjoy half priced burger night at RiRa’s ask the people sitting at your table about their thoughts on Freud and daydreaming. Next time you are sitting in the movie theater waiting for your movie to start, ask the person next to you what they would do if money were no object.  Brain-picking stimulates creativity and curiosity.   It is a vessel for inspiration.  If you want to successfully navigate the streets of Burlington, you better be prepared with some good conversation topics.  Seriously, check this blog out.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of Brain Pickings before! It looks like such a great blog.

    I'm totally bookmarking it--I can't wait to practice my conversational skills after reading through some of the topics.
