Way back in our high school days,
my friends and I used to go out to dinner once a month and every time we
pretended that it was someone else’s birthday. We would end up getting little things for free-a dessert, a
soda, free french fries, but it was never anything too big. Last week my friends and I tried this
again, except instead of going to dinner, we went out in Burlington and oh my
jeeze, we got so much free stuff. Not only did we get a free koozie from Ake’s,
but many people also offered to buy all six of us drinks. And, we got free
pizza from Mr. Mike’s. AND we got to pick all of the songs played at Red
Square. It was awesome.
Now, some people may say that this
is immoral or unethical, so here are some hints to ensure you have a proper and
successful fake birthday, while still being a decent human.
-Don’t do it every weekend. If you make it your birthday every
weekend, you’re basically just being an inconsiderate asshole. And, people might start to recognize
you and realize that you can’t have four birthdays in two months.
-Be respectful. Don’t get so belligerent that you
can’t thank people for the free shit that you’ll get. Save that pleasantry for your real birthday.
So, happy birthday, you! Go out and get some free stuff, you deserve it.
This is brilliant, although I definitely went out on the town for my birthday this year and got nothing! (unless you counted my friends buying me drinks). I guess I just wasn't going to the right places.